About Us

The Speakers Bureau

Dr. Fred DiUlus is a dynamic and entertaining speaker with a resevoir of knowledgfe regarding such diverse fields as leadership, education, investments, global economics, organization values and ethics and entrepreneurship. He brings to the table over 50 years of development which ventures from Wall Street to War to San Francisco to Canada, to Central America,to South America to Africa, to Europe, to China and recently Southeast Asia. Once your request is received, you will be contacted for further information and details regarding the proposed engagement and to assure your needs are met. 

Information regarding fee and travel expenses, appearances and presentations may be acquired by completing the comments section below. Should you desire more information by phone, please do not hesitate to contact the Academy's public relations office at the following number: 

USA - (917) 423 - 1333(917) 423 - 1333 , ext 2



Expert Speakers


Keynote Speaker to workshop leader to training session expert or your club featured speaker, the Academy has someone for you. The following are good spots to pick a topic. Suggested Honorariums are determined by the size and nature of the organization ranging from $5000 to $300 plus travel expenses. Academy speakers and presenters have been known to be among the Best in the world. Satisfaction is guaranteed.

1. The Systemic Failure of American Education – and how to reverse it
2. The Online Education Revolution
3. Way of the Entrepreneur
4. The Future for America
5. Who are the world’s Best & Worst Online Colleges and Universities
6. Home School a College Degree Tuition Free
 7  What you Need to Know about Ethics and Values today!
 8   Surviving a personal Economic Catastrophic event - note well
 9 Over 60 - The new middle age and your 0pportunity




Global Academy Online, New York, NY 10118, 917 423 1333